Friday, March 23, 2018


Tuesday, February 6, 2018



Thursday, January 11, 2018



Tuesday, November 21, 2017



Thursday, December 1, 2016

Isn't it amazing?

I didn't expect to find such a wonderful thing!


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Saturday, February 6, 2016

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Saturday, June 13, 2015


Hi! How are you?
She says it works!
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Wednesday, April 29, 2015


How are you?
Have you seen this before? Oprah had been using it for over a year!

Sent fro m Yahoo Mail for iPhone

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Hi! How are you?

I saw it on TV! CNN said it really works!
Sent from my iPhone

Monday, December 8, 2014


One of the best lessons from Oprah here
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Monday, July 21, 2014

Friday, June 27, 2014

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Hi! News:


Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Fw: News



Monday, March 31, 2014



Wednesday, March 26, 2014






Thursday, March 13, 2014

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fat Burning Tips 4 Women

Fat Burning Tips 4 Women

The Plateau Busting Mini Workout Theory Put to the Test

Posted: 13 Nov 2012 09:42 AM PST

The Plateau Busting Mini Workout Theory Put to the Test

 By: Sergeant Michael Volkin (aka: The Volkinator)

A typical workout for an average person consists of about 30 minutes to 1 hour of lifting weights.  If exercises are performed incorrectly, the load on the muscles and stress on the joints of these repeated movements causes both short and long term damage to your body.  Most people continue to work out despite a known injury, aching back, or sore muscles because of the improved appearance of their physique as a result of the working out. However, over time, the improved appearance becomes harder to maintain and a "plateau" eventually occurs. A workout plateau is when someone continues to exercise and sees diminishing returns on the improvement of their physique.

Recently, several scientific studies have been conducted which analyzes the optimal duration and intensity for a proper workout.  Some experts claim high intensity and fast workouts are the most beneficial, others claim slow meticulous movements with heavy loads is the easiest way to maintain a great physique and optimal health.

Mini workouts have proven to be extremely effective to both the health of the individual and improvement of the physique, yet often if the most underutilized form of working out. Three to five workouts a day varying in duration from 10-15 minutes provides a boost in the metabolic rate of an individual throughout the entire day.  Therefore, mini workouts are more effective at burning calories throughout the day rather than working out all in one block.  For proper nutrition, an individual will eat 3 meals a day; the same theory should be applied to working out.

A majority of fitness products largely overlook the scientific studies showing the effectiveness of a mini workout because people usually workout in one block hour.  This principle has been adopted not because of optimal health of the individual, but rather convenience.  Only a small percentage of people for very specific reasons (i.e. competitive bodybuilders) will show consistent gains working out in 1 hour blocks.

The Test

Typically, I work out at the gym during my lunch hour with three other coworkers.  The three of us decided to give the concept of mini-workouts a try for 2 full months. Before we started, we recorded our weight, body fat percentage and body measurements. We purchased a fitness product called Strength Stack 52, which concept centers around bodyweight mini-workouts.  Instead of doing one 45 minute workout during our lunch hour, we met 15 minutes before and after work and 15 minutes during our lunch hour to complete mini workouts.  The three of us were still exercising 45 minutes per day and to keep the results as pure as possible, we did not change our eating habits or lift any weights.

The Result

Each of us saw positive results at the end of the two months performing strictly bodyweight exercises in intervals of 15 minutes 3 times per day.  The three of us averaged 11 lbs. of weight loss with the highest of us losing 18 lbs. Keep in mind, that weight loss occurred with no change in our diet from already active people.  Each of us also experienced muscle gain, reducing our body fat percentage an average of 2.2%.  We all agree, the biggest benefit was our mental stamina and attitude. We all feel better throughout the day and our 2 o'clock "is the workday over yet?" feeling has gone away.

Whether our success is a result of breaking a plateau or the result of the effectiveness of mini-workouts can't be determined in just 2 months.  However, the reason doesn't matter.  The results speak for themselves and the mini workouts were fun.  Instead of looking forward to one large workout in a day, we looked forward to 3 intense and fun workouts in a day.

Other benefits we experienced as a result of the mini-workouts included:

-Less muscle soreness

-less joint pain

-increased cardiovascular stamina

-more mental stamina and intensity per workout

-more calories burned per day


Although we experienced positive results testing the mini-workouts we all miss throwing a few dumbbells around. We have developed a hybrid program where we now do a mini-workout in the morning and start our lunch hour workout with a mini-workout.  After our second mini-workout (during the lunch hour) we perform a weight training program.

Experiencing the mini-workouts was an eye opening experience for us.  We all subscribed to the "no pain, no gain" philosophy and we now know that no part of that old adage is true. You can in fact gain muscle and lose weight performing small, fun and challenging workouts three times a day.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Gaining Muscle With P90X

Gaining Muscle With P90X

Using P90X To Bulk Up

Many people are using the P90X workout program to lose weight and get in incredible shape, but there are those of us who just have naturally high metabolisms and can't ever seem to gain any weight no matter how much we eat. I was one of those guys and when I first saw the infomercials I saw it as the perfect opportunity to get ripped and gain some muscles. That is the beauty of Tony Horton's amazing workout. It is designed to help people on both ends of the scale get up or down to the perfect size of your dreams.

I was pretty slim my entire life, even after I joined the military and had that "good old army chow" everyday for a few months of training. I was standing tall at 5"8, 137lbs when I did P90X the first time and my goal was to get to 150lbs. So I put P90X to the test and got the DVD's, pull-up bar and dumbbells. It was every bit as tough as my military training, but there was something different about it. I just could not get used to it. I eventually got used to the working out in my military training but P90X doesn't have that. That muscle confusion thing was really working!

I was majoring in nutrition at the time and was surprised at how good the nutrition plan was. It was very detailed and called for lots of protein. I knew from the start that the nutrition was the main ingredient in the success of the workout. I was a lover of junk food and fast foods, but was still very slim and fit somehow. I knew I would have to cut all of that out to make this thing work! So I began my 90 day journey and I was excited!

I decided to go with the Classic version to gain muscle quickly because I didn't have much body fat to begin with. It was a struggle everyday but the results came really quick.

The Keys To Bulking Up Using P90X

Healthy eating is the key to meeting your muscle gaining goals with P90X. It's the same for losing weight. Our bodies must have the proper "fuel" for the best results. You simply can't put cheap gasoline in a Lamborghini and expect good performance out of it. The nutrition guide that comes with the program is essential to your success. I had to increase the amount of high quality protein that I was eating as well as lots of fruits and vegetables.

Once I switched up my diet I started seeing results in no time. I did the Classic version, which focuses mostly on strength training. The workouts are spaced out in a way that you work one or two muscle groups really hard then you rest those muscles and start on another muscle group. I started seeing muscles I never saw before in my arms, shoulders, chest and legs within the first few weeks!

The muscle confusion is what sets P90X apart from any other workout. It causes you to reshape your body by build and maintain muscle. The workouts are switched so often that you can never get used to them for the entire 90 days! This constant change tears down your muscles making it possible to build them back up bigger and stronger than ever with high quality protein. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles and that's why you need it to repair your torn down muscles. The nutrition plan gives you more than enough ideas for what types of high quality protein and nutrients you need. Stick to the plan as best you can and you will see results. 

By the end of the 90 days all my friends, family and people I worked with noticed how much I bulked up. I had gained around 15-18lbs by the end of the 90 days! I exceeded my goal and got up to 155lbs! So P90X really does work for the really slim people like myself and the overweight. It was not at all easy but as long as you put the DVD in and just follow along, it can be done. You have just got to remember why you are doing it and use that as your motivation.

Check out Ben's Amazing Success Story:


The guys you see all over Youtube and on the infomercials are real and P90X did work for them. If it can work for people like them and myself then it can work for you too. To buy P90X Today, Click Here. Thanks for reading. 

By Kody Tisdale

Why P90X Really Works!

Why P90X Really Works

I'm sure you've seen the infomercials with Tony Horton telling you that you can look like them in 90 days. Well I'm here to tell you that it really does work. The infomercials are so awe inspiring and they really do live up to the hype. If you give these videos a try you can definitely have a body like just like the folks on TV!
I first gave P90X (Power 90 X) a try about 2 years ago. I was in college and the military so I was pretty fit. I was rather skinny though and I saw P90X as a challenge and a way to bulk up a little. I was standing tall at 5"8/137 lbs dripping wet and I wanted to be around 150 just to try it on.
The things they mentioned about muscle confusion really made sense to me because I experienced that in my military training from doing the same things over and over. So I got my dumbbells and pull up bar and got started.

P90X turned out to be much better than any other workout I tried. It was a lot of fun and didn't seem like a chore at all. Despite how fit I thought I was it was extremely hard! It is so hard in fact, that it has no choice but to work.

Just when you think you have gotten used to a set of workouts like Plyometrics or Chest and Back, your body gets shocked with a whole new set of workouts. Tony Horton really has this thing perfected down to a science! I have a B.S. in nutrition and I must say that their nutrition plan is amazing and it works.

I have now done the whole P90X program about 3 times. I have done the Lean and Classic versions. The very first time I was able to gain about 18lbs of mostly muscle so it's not just for losing weight. If done right you can gain muscle and lose body fat at the same time!

Here's What You Get With P90X:

13 DVD's Including an Introductory DVD:
*P90X - 01 Chest & Back. Targeted strength and definition workout emphasizes two classic upper-body exercises.
*P90X - 02 Plyometrics. Explosive jumping cardio routine, proven to dramatically improve athletic performance.
*P90X - 03 Shoulders & Arms. A potent combination of pressing, curling, and fly movements that will leave you stronger and more defined.
*P90X - 04 Yoga X. Combines strength, balance, flexibility, and breath work to enhance your physique and calm your mind.
*P90X - 05 Legs & Back. Squat, lunge, and pull in a total-body workout like no other.
*P90X - 06 Kenpo X. Intense cardiovascular workout includes punching and kicking for endurance,